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giving back to the arts

Clutch Made dot com is all about making in the US and supporting local businesses. In lieu of this, the team at #clutchmadedotcom always tries to give back to our community and support endeavours that we stand behind. That is why we team up with Materials for the Arts every year. Donating excess materials and fabric scraps to their New York City programs in Queens to give our leftovers a second life.

Materials for the Arts collects unneeded items from businesses or individuals. These donations are then freely available to nonprofit organizations with arts programming, government agencies, and public schools.

The MFTA warehouse is operated by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and supports the creative community in New York. Being the premiere reuse center, Materials for the Arts provides a way for companies and individuals to repurpose their materials instead of contributing to wastefullness and unsustainable practices. Beyond this new system for recycling materials, Materials for the Arts offers a variety of events, workshops, and classes to help people see and experience creative reuse up close.

If you want to find out more you can head to #materialsfortheartsdotcom. Want to get more involved? Individuals can donate on their site or volunteer every Wednesday from 6-8pm sorting donated materials in our warehouse.

Want to start making in the USA with us? Stay tuned for our new online course on making marketable accessories in the USA. #thinkific #staytuned #onlinecourse #making



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